• Commitment to Rejecting Racism

  • It’s an unfortunate reality that our country has struggled with racism since its inception. The divisive nature of it has corrosively infiltrated everything from where we live to the most basic needs such as the water we drink. Currently, it seems as though the fabric of our society is being pulled apart by the vile underpinnings of racial tension and stress.

    There is an opportunity for us all to embrace the challenges presented by this moment in time. The Cedar Hill Chamber of Commerce is made up of a variety of races, ethnicities, and creeds. These differences have not weakened our mission but instead give us an advantage. The advantage of being multifaceted is perspective. Perspective allows us to be positioned to face our rapidly changing world. We are a reflection of the diversity of the community we serve.

    We humbly accept the challenge to continue to be a place of leadership and racial inclusiveness as our country continues to heal from the scars of its past and present. We stand in solidarity against racism and its painful manifestations that affect us all. The Cedar Hill Chamber of Commerce, like our great nation, is not perfect. We believe that the IDEALS that have been set, are what make us the greatest nation on Earth!